Messianic New Testament Studies

Messianic New Testament Studies from the Greek Scriptures

Looking for Messianic New Testament studies, from a Hebrew Roots perspective?  You’ve found them!  Below is a collection of messianic / Hebrew Roots studies of the Greek Scriptures, from a Messianic, Hebrew Roots perspective.  

These Messianic New Testament Studies provide amazing insights into the author’s true intent, while stripping away the man-made Catholic church doctrines that have so confused humanity regarding the intent and purpose of God for almost two millennia!  Get a clear perspective of Messiah Yeshua, without the antisemitism and false doctrines of the confused church. 

This Messianic / Hebrew Roots study of the Gospel of Matthew takes a close look at understanding the words and life of Yeshua the Messiah in their original context.  What did the words and concepts mean to the writer and his readers.  Much can get lost in “cultural translation.”  Join us as we untangle the Gospel of Matthew to learn the timeless truths of our master, Yeshua.

This Messianic / Hebrew Roots study of the Book of Acts is a real eye-opener for many who have had their minds clouded by so much “church doctrine.”  What did Luke mean when he wrote the Book of Acts?  Some of the details might surprise you!  Join us as we seek a clearer picture of the expansion of the Kingdom of God immediately after the resurrection of Messiah Yeshua.

This Messianic / Hebrew Roots study of the Book of Romans takes a slow, steady look at the deep theological issues presented by the Apostle Paul, from a 1st century lens.  Much of when we thought we understood about the growth of the people of God and how gentiles are “grafted in” to the family are straighten out, to provide a clearer picture.

This Messianic / Hebrew Roots study of the Book of James takes a slow, steady look at the deep theological issues presented by the brother of the Messiah Yeshua.  This little book is absolutely packed with spiritual dynamite that will explode your unfruitful life, and place you on a path to new growth and spiritual development!